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This Business Muse Blog invites to taking a short break and taking inspiration from what you see and read or from what comes to your mind by this 15-secs-musings.


Accelerate the change

Meike Nittel

Dear Conscious Business Community in Europe,
dear transformational business coaches and consultants
(inhouse or external),
dear business leaders aiming for future-proof change,

we are excited to start and be forming the European Conscious Business Journey Network by launching the first CBJourney Change Agent Program in September 2020 in Europe:

We want to support and accelerate transformational change in businesses throughout Europe - concertedly and synergeticly.

  • By attending the 9-weeks program (2hours online/week) from Thomas Eckschmidt all participants together join and create this common base for an associated network of change agents, conscious business practitioners.

  • The 9-weeks-progam will be complimented by tackling an actual change project - being supported by Thomas: therefore we meet for 1 hour of supervision for 6 months further. With that project a certificate can be achieved.

  • The full 1-year-program can be rounded by another 4 months of learning about and developing shared information and sales-tools, that helps the whole community to get attention within the business world with more ease.

Change is urgently needed. The already existing know-how from you all and from Thomas will grow and develop further in this course.

We are excited to be creating and doing this together with inspiring, visionary, experienced business people.

The first 10 registrations we offer at a special fee for the full programm.
Send us an email so we can schedule a personal interview for your questions with Thomas.
Herzliche Grüße

First European Conscious Business Journey Change Agent Program we start on Thursday, September 17th, 2020 for 9 weeks from 18:00 - 20:00 (CET) via Zoom.

Supported by ConsciousBusinessEurope.net

An Introduction to Conscious Capitalism and its Principles

Meike Nittel

Thomas Eckschmidt_CBJ Purpose.jpg

Dear friends, that you are curious about conscious ways of doing business,

in the next weeks, we invite to these 1-hour-presentations with Thomas Eckschmidt, Co-Author of the Conscious Capitalism Field Guide, via Zoom:

1st: An Introduction to Conscious Capitalism and its Principles
Now find the video on it, here:.

2nd: Learn more about the HOW TO and how to become a Conscious Business Journey Change Agent
Monday, July 20th from 19.00h- ca. 20:00h (CET)
Join us for both presentations and impulses via Zoom - For the link, write me an email.

About the Conscious Business Journey Change Agent Certification Program and Community

For some years I have been sharing about Conscious Capitalism, about its principles as the new paradigm for doing business. Today it’s further important for companies to make money, but it’s especially important how they make money.

As Raj Sisodia once said: “The future is either conscious, or it’s not.”

When approaching companies with this new way of doing business, the reaction of their leaders usually is: “And now what?” or “How can we start implementing it?”

Conscious Business Journey is the practical answer: Its programme teaches the content of the Conscious Capitalism Field Guide for consultants, coaches and for change agents inside the companies to help and accompany the transformational journey of the businesses to become conscious.

This programme will be brought to Europe now for the first time after Thomas Eckschmidt has offered it already many times overseas in South and North America in previous years.

It’s an online course held in English for the duration of 9 weeks (1 session per week) plus a field project in order to obtain the “Conscious Business Change Agent-Certificate" (with further supervisory calls and sessions).

Alongside with Frank Trittel from the CC Barcelona Chapter I am supporting to invite and see a European community of Conscious Business Change Agents going on this learning journey together to accelerate the impact coming from consciousness in business.

Do you want to become a "Conscious Business Change Agent"?

Please join in if you may be interested in knowing more about how to implement Conscious Capitalism in businesses and becoming a Conscious Business Change Agent in your country.

And if you know someone, who you see might be curious about this programme, please pass on this invitation.

For any question or further information you can contact me and Frank Trittel (trittel.frank@gmail.com).

We love to support Thomas' and the CBJourney's Purpose:
to accelerate conscious business impact of making the world a better place, by empowering people.

Join us for both presentations and impulses via Zoom - for the link write me an email.

PS: Our monthly calls of the CC EUROPE takeplace each first MONDAY of a month. 7 - 8 PM (CET). If you like to join, send me an email.


Meike Nittel

Liebe Menschen,

im Home-Office.

Um den Arbeitsalltag auch in diesen besonderen Tagen gut und gesund zu gestalten, seid herzlich willkommen,

Euch täglich um 12:30 Uhr
via Zoom, Euch 15-20 Minuten
eine geführte Meditation und somit eine Auftankzeit zu nehmen.

Dies ist (bis auf Weiteres) der Link zum Zoom-Meeting:

Meeting-ID: 345 093 775
Passwort: Y4lVb8J5

Ich freue mich auf Euch und darüber, dass Ihr Euch Tiefen-Entspannung gönnt.

Herzliche Grüße


Dein Atem - Your Breath

Meike Nittel

Es ist mir eine Freude, meine Freude am bewussten Atmen zu teilen.
Es ist mir eine Freude, einzuladen, sich dieses ureigene Power-Instrument bewusst zu machen.
Wer sich ein paar Minuten für eine gesprochene Meditation Zeit nehmen möchte, ist herzlich willkommen -
klicke den Button unten, für Deutsch oder Englisch.

Dein Atem

Dein ureigenes Überlebensinstrument
und Dein wundervolles Instrument,
um Dich - mit Bewusstheit - mit Energie aufzutanken,
mit Achtsamkeit für Dich selbst.

Nähre Dich. Fülle Deine Kraftspeicher mit bewusstem Einatmen.
Pflege Dein Immunsystem.

Spüre Deine innere Balance, indem Du Deinen Atem beobachtest.
Spüre das aktive Einatmen. Anspannung.
Lass los beim Ausatmen. Entspannung.

Schaffe Dir Freiraum.
Für Momente einen Raum der Stille in Dir.

Vielleicht willst Du heute nur diese Ruhe genießen.
Vielleicht will aus der Ruhe, die Kreativität an die Oberfläche kommen...

Alles ist möglich.
Lass Dich ein.


Your breath

Your primary survival tool
and your wonderful instrument,
to recharge with energy
- in mindfulness for yourself.

Feed yourself.
Fill your energy stores with inhaling consciously.
Nurture your immune system.

Feel your inner balance by observing your breath.
Allow space for yourself -
for moments of silence within you.

Maybe you want to enjoy the silence today?
Maybe from the silence, creativity wants to come to the surface...

Everything is possible.
Let yourself in for life.

It is my pleasure to share my joy of conscious breathing. Anyone who would like to take a few minutes for a spoken meditation is welcome -
click the button above for the German or English version.